Club Militar de Macau Musical Journeys

Located next to Garden Francisco (Macau Avenida da Praia Grande) – The Military Club was built in 1872. This building serves as a recreation area for exclusive members at the Military Club. In the 40’s served as a shelter for refugees. After, the Repartição da Fazenda (Treasury) was setup there which, from the 50s onwards, now the property named Clube Militar.

The architectural project mainly attributed to Barão do Cercal, the one-storey building with classical features, included white columns and pilasters supporting the upper balustrade and the circular arched pediment, with its framed extended to an open-wide balconies.
In 1995 the club re-opened as an permanent restaurant. That time, the entire space reserved for exclusive members only. Slight changes have made after, which the dining area now opened for public guests, where an segmented member’s club have reserved, at designated times. As at now, the underground level host mainly art exhibitions and gallery showroom for invited or public use.
Club Militar Musical Journeys
Each month Macau Club Military host series of “Musical Journeys” at specific timeslots. Sponsored by local casino operator, the Macao Foundation, and Military Club as the main organiser; fully support lists of events throughout the calendar period, inviting local composers and returning overseas performers – with cross conjunction with invited talented foreigners, hosting key cultural music exchanges.
This is one of my favorite annual event of the year; Unfortunately with the pandemic concerns, I skipped almost a year or more.
Pampering myself recalling such great showtime again, would like to take this opportunity introducing such glamorous night event, differ from other similar concert series that held.
Scenery of Eastern Europe Chamber Concert
That night invited Scenery of Eastern Europe Chamber Concert team. Invitees from different countries and locals performing Violin, Viola, Cello, Pianos. Composes total five classic music series – integrated with different cross team performances, making up the whole night’s agenda to an complete end.
The Rundown
Prior concert started with a small cocktail reception; all invited participants gathered at the lounge place on the other side of the room; Right after the show, straight to an splendid opulence dinner showcase – dine in with all composers, directors, and other public audiences together.
The Performance
Escorting to the performance room; not spacious, occupy around 30-40 audience seatings, all well-planned beforehand. The true, nostalgic European interior designs, and over hundred years of glamorous chandelier lightings, were just fascinating. The entire concert lasts forty five minutes; the spectacular Eastern European Classical Music masterpieces tunnel back to the ancient times Macau that exists decades ago – quietly listening to small details of it. Start to learn piano at the age of six – I felt extremely excited in Macau could find such great place enjoying elegant, classical music performances. That night all performers were professionally done, totally out of my expectations; their skills gained considerable worldwide recognition – I gained a lot there.

The Four Course Dinner
Right after the show, my honor to dine in with main organisers and all – enjoying full four-course dinner. Entered into glamorous designed place – table decorated in white cloth and crystal red glasswares merged into the European Portuguese ambience. The soft, bright white candles absolutely match with the Portuguese Gastronomy Cuisine experience. Accompanied with Red and White wine selections, my heart almos melted prior food arrive! Those setups are perfect for Christmas occasions, Valentines day, or even special celebrations; they are truly the best choice.
The First Course: Green Asparagus cream soup with quail egg and Portuguese “Bisaro” smoked ham:
Taste rich – Paired with half raw quail eggs, it brings the freshness; With Portuguese flavored ham added in the soup, was the best first course intro.

Main Courses
No long dive into the second course served on the table – Deep fried dried cod fish fillets, with tomato and pumpkin creamy rice; That was just one of my best favorite dish, the most classic Macanese Portuguese kind; There’s no fishy taste at all and the texture was soft; serve best food into your taste buds. With the strong lamb jus and mixed sautéed vegetables; that was a perfect match!
Accompanied with Orange Roll crunchy almond “Algarve” styles, along with coffee Espresso, can’t believe I’ve spent three hours finishing up the full four courses!

A must visit in your lifetime
The splendid, elegant natural light red carpeted staircase, the classical wooden crafted reception; near the doorway hanged high up Portuguese crafted chandeliers; integrated with modern painting art piece – with historic black and white photo framed displays on each wall corners etc…. is a “must-visit” in your lifetime; Embracing the local Macau-Portuguese cuisines, with the long heritage building design, the background history, music, food in the same atmospheric environment; all components gathered in one local point.
By chance, please do drop by and try their authentic “Bacalhau” (codfish) dish, African Chicken and Arroz de Marisco (Portuguese seafood rice). Toss it up with a glass of wine, from their comprehensive wine list.
Don’t forget their desserts please! Portuguese sweet rice pudding with mango, warm chestnut tart, or even try coconut ice cream with caramelized pineapple.