Church of Our Lady of Sorrows

Located in Nossa Senhora village along Estrada de Nossa Senhora de Ká Hó, the Church of Our Lady of Sorrows. The Church exterior has a unique trianglar shape, a structure that resembles a huge concrete tent covered the entire hill. Small chapel established in 1936; reconstructed again into present look in 1966.
Getting there is not easy. Consider bus 15 or 21 too, not just only driving. Walking along the slope straight to the entrance, can see few good secret corners. On the left side of the entrance can see the triangular tent church; versus on the right side goes something like “Taipa Houses” Portuguese architectural style small houses. Right in front of the entrance comes the Cave of The Holy Virgin Mary; In other beautiful corners some Guardian Angels; Statue of Virgin Mary; and Jesus Christ Portriats of different sizes” which greatly arose my curiosity observe them carefully.
Historical Leprosarium Cure
The Church recently was the Nossa Senhora Elderly Home of Ká-Hó; In the early centries, a leprosarium existed in the present site of the Elderly Home, incorporated with the government and the church communities, which built the current place. After Italian Father Gaetano Nicosia arrived Macau and take over the place named Our Lady village, Macau Social Welfare Bureau taking over the management; In 1991 named Elderly Home of Ká-Hó. Currently next to the heritage place is Government Ká-Hó Health Centre.
This chapel has its special hisotrical meaning behind it.

The church fully dedicated to the Seven Sorrows – The seven miserable event happened in the life of the Virgin Mary like; The flight to Egypt, the loss of child Jesus, Jesus carrying the cross and the crucifixion. They were severe sufferings that elucidate the compassion of Jesus, who take the sin of the world by his death on the cross. The Chursh’s devotion to the Seven Sorrows of the Blessed Virgin Mary, has its meaningful significance.
Back behind the Scene of five “Coloane Houses”
Right next to the Church built five built Portuguese style Houses, after series of renovation progression; revealed its refreshing look behind the moutnain view; Cant believe this place is for Leprosy patient residence.
In between the church and beautiful houses remained deserted ancient house a deserted old house, the outer wall wrapped up by tree trunks, prevousy stayed a tribe of Ká-Hó Residents. The abandonded village were called “Ká-Hó Leprosarium Village”.

With poor medical technology back in those days, many people infected with leprosy has no medicine for fast cure; claimed as one of the most influential infectious diseases. Most people afraid being infected; Quarrantined patients forced to stay in remote places for treatment; which most patients went isolated. With the advancement of medical technologies, the number of leprosy patients has greatly reduced, and this place gradually have been wiped away forgotten by people; The place shut down after the nineties.
The After Visit Impression
The construction not in its huge magnificent look; for me personally has a strong loving force that surround the entire place. The portrait of Jesus on the cross and the historical footprint of our lady of luther cave wrapped in Oyster shell are like a magnetic field that guarded the entire Ká-Hó Village for many centuries; They used the fearlessness and love to take those in need; and use their lifetime trying their best take care of them. It is quite conceivable to learn from the service providers tried their best to cleanse the hearts of many recovered patients. This is definetely my lifelong wish to continue the mission like them in a way and continue to develop this block fo land. The hidden spot rebuilt the heart of locals, to start a new life and to assist others.
Art Training Base-Camps
Almost hit a century old the Church of Our Lady of Sorrows, the government implemented a restoration project years ago. In the near future, will become an art educational and training cente for young people, creating the images appearling to all locals and tourists.
The image of leprosy hospital impressions was quite scary in the past, which now has turned into an energetic cultural and creative training base camps; New training spot for new Macau talented generations, contribute to the society again. What is more meaningful is that it allow to continue its historical responsibilities for villagers, which brings new turning point for this meaningful project.